Friday, April 20, 2012


Recently I read an article, which I've pasted below, called "Your Children Want You." In conjunction with that I wanted to share a thought I've been thinking on for awhile. My mother-in-law, who has such a great way with kids, has always told me to cherish the time they are little because it goes by so fast! True, true!

When it comes to parenting, I feel in a little over my head. Way over my head some days! I've always found it amusing that you can never be fully prepared to be a parent and if there was ever a job you wouldn't want to learn on the go it'd be this one! But I think God has a sense of humor and wants to let us know that really we can't do it on our own and must rely on His help. After all, they're His kids too! ;o)

A few years ago the Holy Spirit impressed upon me that I had a very short but distinct window of opportunity to win the heart and affection of my children and to take it! Now granted, they love me and their dad from day one, that goes without saying. But I mean to win their trust and devotion so we don't lose them later in life when it counts.

I remember sitting at my computer, probably on facebook!, and my oldest daughter was tugging on my arm asking me to look at something she was doing. She is always looking for my enthusiastic encouragement and hearty approval of anything she is doing but I kept shrugging her off telling her I'd be there in a minute. As clear as day I got a kind but firm rebuke from the Holy Spirit: if I kept putting her off as had become the pattern she would one day do the same to me. I had a flash forward in my mind to her as a teenager wanting to do her own thing without us instead of loving and valuing family time. And I had to think that my actions now echo into those all important years and beyond. I took mental stock: How many times do I say no when I could say yes? How many things do I put a priority on that could really be put off until later for the sake of engaging with my kids right now? Does my house need to be perfect or just good enough? What can I afford to lighten up about?

Kids really do spell love T-I-M-E. The best thing I can do right now is to get down on my kids level and play with them. Do puzzles, play blocks and playdough, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, sing songs, go on walks, be silly, let them help with chores even if it means more work for me, etc. Take an active interest in their life. I want my kids to learn first hand that mom and dad are their best friend. That they have our love and undivided attention. I want to put value on them now by caring about what they care about. So that they will listen when it's really important and trust us that we have their best in mind.

The hardest battle for me as a parent has been the laying aside of my wants/desires, giving up what I want to do with my time so I can give them what they need. We moms and dads get so little time for ourselves, and we need that to refresh, that's a given! But for the majority, let's use the "no greater love hath man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend" train of thinking and channel it towards our kiddos!

"Return on Investment" (ROI) is just another way of saying you reap what you sow. "Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully." 2 Corinthians 9:6 NASB

So commit to give generously. They really are little for such a short time and they are so much fun!

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