Couldn't we all use a little more energy everyday? Here are three things that help me immensely.
#1 EmergenC. I usually crash around 3 or 4pm each afternoon but I'm on a very limited diet of caffeine (not counting chocolate!) so I've found that drinking an EmergenC this time of day always helps me get the little boost I need to finish the day strong. Drinking water all day long helps too!
#2 GIVING in some way always helps re-energize me! Acts 20:35 says that it is better to give than to receive and Galatians 6:10 tells us to be mindful to be a blessing. I'm always on the lookout for ways I can be an encouragement to others. I have made a personal commitment that if the opportunity arises to pray with/for someone or to give a word of encouragement, I will take it. This one simple decision has made such a difference in my quality of life and I have already decided in advance how I'm going to respond to these situations so I don't need to fuss about it when they come up! I also enjoy baking little treats to give away or finding fun gifts or cards to give to friends when inspiration strikes. I keep to a $10 and under budget and dollar bins are GREAT!
#3 JUST DO IT. I think those people at Nike are on to something. I find that sometimes I just need to get off my patootie and start cleaning, cleaning, cleaning or whatever task I've been avoiding. Once I get going, I find energy to keep going. In fact, sometimes my hubby has to tell me to stop already and take a break! "A job begun is a job half done." Sometimes, we just need to get started. Making good decisions perpetuates making more good decisions because we reap the immediate benefit of feeling good about ourselves and how responsible we are being. Feeling good about myself gives me energy! Plus I like checking things off my list. :O) "A merry heart doeth good like medicine (or an energy shot, I say!)." Proverbs 17:22 *Oh, and whenever I mess up, I preach the gospel of grace to myself, read the Word out loud, and lighten up on myself. Otherwise, I might fall into a pit of despair and that's gonna do nobody any good at all.
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